Who is it For?
SimpleCore is for people who would benefit from a core vocabulary system, but need a simple system, with fewer targets. (This may be for either for physical or visual reasons). All like words are grouped together, and color coded, making them easy to find. For example, all "question words" (Who, How, What, Why, etc). are blue and grouped together. This board is designed for people who are using a hand held or head mounted laser pointer.
SimpleCore was designed by Margaret Cotts, Assistive Technology Specialist. Feedback on the board was provided by Dr. Richard Olney, founder of the ALS Center at UCSF. Dr. Olney is a long time SimpleCore user.
Product Features SimpleCore (large) is 18 x 24 inches. (aprx. 45 X 51 cm) unmounted poster. mounted onto stiff, durable, lightweight plastic PVC board. It is also available as a poster (shipped rolled in a mailing tube), 195 cells on the communication board ‚¬¢ Printed on heavy non-reflective matte bond. ‚¬¢ Comes with an instruction booklet
Product Features AlphaCore Extreme€ž¢ (Large) is 18 x 24 inches. (aprx. 45 X 51 cm), mounted onto stiff, durable, lightweight plastic PVC board. It is also available as a poster (shipped rolled in a mailing tube)
A readymade communication board like this one is used: ‚¬¢
As a backup when a high tech device needs to be repaired or just rebooted or recharged ‚¬€œ the low tech boards are always ready. ‚¬¢To augment speech for those with some functional speech. This board can be an invaluable aid when fatigue, the environment or an unfamiliar communication partner may limit how much speech is understood. ‚¬¢ Because of location situation, rain, snow, bright outdoors, in the car or on a plane all these situations and others can frustrate even the most advanced of high tech solutions.
Other examples:
- While in the shower, or using the bathroom
- Riding in the car
- On the beach
- Making a quick request in the middle of the night
- Needing to communicate while temporarily in the hospital
At certain stages of progressive disabilities. Many SLP's have told us that communication with these boards is often used a lot at the beginning stage of a progressive disability as a way to supplement and augment speech. They are invaluable stepping stones as someone gets used to using AAC. But often at the advanced stages of a disability when personal energy is limited, the user may return to a low tech solution. A communication partner using a low tech communication board can help take over some of the work load of communication.